Sew in Hair Extensions for a Caucasian

Sew in Hair Extensions for a Caucasian

The world of hair extensions can seem a bit scary for someone who doesn’t have any experience. You might be worried that it’s not for you, but you really want to have that beautiful hairstyle you saw on your favorite actress. Well, don’t worry, hair extensions are there for everyone!

There are many ways for you to get your extensions, like clip-in,tape-in, sew-in, fusion, and others. The most popular way is probably with sewn-in hair extensions.

This is because it probably brings the least amount of damage to your hair.

In this article, we will give you the best tips and advice on what to expect when you’re about to get your sew-in hair extensions for the first time!

Find a trustworthy stylist


Okay, every woman on this planet knows how important this is. You’ve probably made the mistake of going to a shady hair stylist and having your hairstyle ruined for months to come. When doing something as complicated as sewing in the extensions, you’d want to find a stylist who specializes in this type of work. Ask around and check for online salon reviews.

Remember, working with a good hairstylist can be pretty expensive. Always look at it as an investment, as a well-done job will last you for a long time and keep you happy. If you can’t afford a good stylist right now, it’s better to postpone getting your extensions done. Keep in mind that fixing a bad hairstyle could cost you even more.

Purchasing the right hair

Choosing the right hair extensions can be a bit difficult at first. This is why you’ll need a good stylist who can recommend the best color and texture. Getting proper advice can save you from having to redo everything from scratch which will in turn cost you a lot of money.

Look to find the hair extensions that fit your hair the best. Pay attention to color, texture, and length, and try to imagine it as a part of your hair. Don’t be afraid to ask, listen to professional advice, but do your research so you know exactly what you want.

How does it all work?

It’s quite a straightforward process. First, you’ll get your hair lightly braided. This could hurt if done too tightly so always communicate with your stylist. You don’t want to suffer a headache because of your hairstyle. Do keep in mind that this could cause some breakage and that you’ll need to be prepared for a lot of aftercare.

Your braids will be used as a base for sewing hair extensions. Yes, they use the thread and the needle! Don’t be afraid, this is not your ordinary sewing needle. It has a blunt top so your hairstylist can’t really pierce you with it even if they wanted to.

This could be a lengthy process, but it will all pay off in the end! After your hair is completely sewn in, your hairstylist will proceed with styling it and cutting it appropriately. Communicate your wishes clearly for the best possible results.



You’ll have to frequently visit the hair salon after you’ve got your hair extensions. Your stylists will have to secure the base so your extensions don’t fall off or destroy the look of your hairstyle. Of course, you can learn how to maintain your hair by yourself. There are also ways you and your girls can learn to do this complete process at home, like for example the GlamLocks which offers a very useful course in learning the process of sewn-in hair extensions. If you’re already interested in hair styling this could be such an awesome investment!

Of course, ask for professional advice on how to wash and care for your hair. Sometimes the weight of the extensions can cause some damage to your hair, so make sure to do everything to minimize these effects.

If you manage to take care of your hair extensions properly, they could last you a couple of months. Always make sure to wash your real hair as thoroughly as possible. Use a good conditioner and a high-quality shampoo. You can ask your hairstylist for recommendations as you surely do not want to end up with a bad hair extension.

Is it painful?

This is probably the number one question when it comes to sewn-in hair extensions. To put it simply, no, it shouldn’t be painful. The only painful part could be someone braiding your hair too tightly, or being clumsy with the needle. This is why getting an experienced person to do this is of utmost importance.

Be upfront and communicate with your stylist if you feel any pain.

Taking it out

Now, this could end up being a very slow process if you try to do it by yourself. Be careful when cutting out the thread that keeps your extensions in. You should ask someone to help you with the parts of your hair that you don’t have proper access to. This could take up to 2 hours if it’s your first time doing it. After you’ve done removing your extensions, you can remove the braiding. Make sure to remove any leftover strings and be careful not to damage your hair.

Still, the best way is to go to do it professionally. It’s much faster and it’s much more efficient. You don’t risk damaging or cutting your real hair.

The takeaway

Sew-in extensions are a great way to get that one hairstyle you always wanted without needing to grow your hair. It’s a bit pricey, but if properly done, can last a long time. Always ask for professional advice to ensure the best possible results.

Learning how to take care of your hair when you have sewn-in extensions can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning. You need to choose the right conditioner, the right shampoo, and the temperature. Other than that you’ll need to learn proper techniques for washing your scalp and extensions efficiently.

This will minimize any potential damage sewn-in extensions are associated with. Work closely with the hair salon workers, be open, listen to their advice, and your hairstyle will be exactly what you envisioned!